
The Kennedy files and the CIA’s attempt to cover up Israel’s role in the ’63 coup
By Cesare Sacchetti An enormous amount of documents is coming out in these hours on the assassination of US President John...

The ‘ghost’ pope for 33 days and the undeclared seat of power: coup d’état in the Vatican?
By Cesare Sacchetti To read the bulletins that are issued by the Santa Marta club, it almost seems as if the Gemelli polyclinic...

The Kennedy files and the CIA’s attempt to cover up Israel’s role in the ’63 coup
By Cesare Sacchetti An enormous amount of documents is coming out in these hours on the assassination of US President John...
Storia e Massoneria

The Kennedy files and the CIA’s attempt to cover up Israel’s role in the ’63 coup
By Cesare Sacchetti An enormous amount of documents is coming out in these hours on the assassination of US President John...
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Cesare Sacchetti
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