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Cesare Sacchetti

Benigni and Spinelli’s Ventotene Manifesto: the exaltation of the false Masonic and globalist Europe



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by Cesare Sacchetti

Some are still dismayed, and one can hardly understand their reasons.

Benigni’s last outing on public TV (?) was a veritable monument to servility towards all those powers and institutions that have reduced Italy and Europe to such pitiful conditions.

It started, of course, with the kissing of the slipper towards Sergio Mattarella, the incumbent of the Quirinal so fond of the circles of globalism such as the Trilateral, and his fraternal friend from Santa Marta, Pope Francis, the pontiff of migrants, freemasons, feminists, trans people but certainly not of the Catholics he deeply despises.

The comedian who began his career many years ago trying to uncover Raffaella Carrà’s skirts is now reduced to a spokesman for the liberal establishment, so much so that he even ventured into the realm of the ridiculous when he went so far as to say that the European Union would be the greatest (sic) cultural expression born in the history of mankind in 5000 years.

One is in paradox, in laughter, in jest, or perhaps in paroxysmal defence of a rotten apparatus on which depends the continued existence of a whole sad, sad humanity that without this status quo would hardly ever have made a career, given its human and intellectual mediocrity.

Last Saturday there was already a foretaste of this defence of the fortress when a semi-empty piazza, the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, was filled, so to speak, by a few coaches of unfortunate old people who seem to have been taken directly from the ranks of the Forum audience, because by now the Euroregime can do no better than to call in extras and extras taken directly from Cinecittà’s Theatre 5.

There, too, there was another display of servility, when we saw the likes of Jovanotti, who as a young man dressed as a pacifist in a flowery shirt, Carlo Calenda, the supreme cosmic void, Claudio Amendola, and Antonio Albanese, to name but a few.

The square that wants to defend the European Union has been ‘populated’ and blessed by characters that belong more to show business than anything else, demonstrating how by now the so-called world of show business is nothing more than a prosthesis of the various financial potentates and transnational circles that put their so-called ‘artistic talents’ on display in an attempt to preserve the status quo of these apparatuses in exchange, of course, for the usual gratuity in the form of hosting television programmes, a part in some shoddy fiction or some advertisement.

The men of show business are simply perfect for the freemasons because their absolute lack of values and their pathological narcissism lead them to serve any cause, even the most abject, in order to replenish their ego and obviously their bank account.

Hollywood is perhaps the most glaring proof of the amorality that dwells in this world, and the Italian branches of this milieu are nothing but its small and squalid reflection.

However, an old warhorse of these elites is making a comeback, and they just can’t help periodically evoking it, perhaps to try to convince the now-saturated masses that their woes have not been in vain.

The ‘sanctification’ of Spinelli and the Ventotene Manifesto

The Tuscan jester himself evoked it again the other evening during his rally, and it is none other than the so-called Ventotene Manifesto, which by now has become a sort of secular ‘bible’ of all the various Freemasons, pro-Europeans and technocrats who, whenever there is a dusting up of the so-called ‘European dream’, pull the dusty manifesto out of the drawer.

It all started at the beginning of the Second World War, in 1941, when on the island of Ventotene, Altiero Spinelli drew up, together with his two other comrades in exile, the journalist Ernesto Rossi and the philosopher Eugenio Colorni, the document that is considered the basis of the modern European Union.

These were the last years of Fascism, which often sent dissidents either to prison or to confinement, and Spinelli, already a young militant in the Communist Party, had had both experiences, since before landing on the island off the coast of Latium, he had been in various Italian prisons, such as those in Lucca, Viterbo and Civitavecchia.

Spinelli during his time in exile in Ventotene

Spinelli approached Marxist philosophy in his younger years to the chagrin of his father who would have instead wanted him to follow in his father’s footsteps by joining the socialist party, although in the late 1930s, the activist also began to manifest a certain heterodoxy from communism, going so far as to say that the party now expressed more that of the dictatorship of the proletariat than that of the dictatorship of the party.

Altiero thus earned himself the label of ‘Trotskyist’ and was expelled from the PCI, which now considered him an outcast, too far removed from Marxist ‘purity’, but this estrangement led him, if possible, to take an even more hypocritical position in the years to follow than that of the very party he had flogged for being too close to liberalism.

In fact, Spinelli in his manifesto starts from the erroneous premise that the ‘totalitarian’ states of the 1900s, above all of course the much reviled fascism, had dug a deep furrow between the demands of the proletariat and those of capitalism which, in his opinion, had become the real dominant force of the twenty-year fascist period.

The communist dissident put it this way.

“Thus the existence of the absolutely parasitic class of absentee landowners, and of the profiteers who contribute to social production only by cutting coupons from their securities, of the monopolistic classes and chain companies that exploit consumers and make the money of small savers evaporate, of the plutocrats, who, hidden behind the scenes, pull the strings of politicians, to direct the entire machinery of the state to their own exclusive advantage, under the guise of the pursuit of higher national interests, has been ensured. The colossal fortunes of the few and the misery of the great masses, excluded from the possibility of enjoying the fruits of modern culture, are preserved.”

It is a kind of reversal of cause and effect.

Any historian and economist worthy of the name cannot fail to recognise that it was in pre-Fascist liberal Italy at the beginning of the 20th century that the situation described by Spinelli prevailed, i.e. one in which a local oligarchy, largely made up of adherents of the lodges, largely held the reins of the national economy and had even devolved to itself the power to create money, which at the time was in the hands of the private banks and not the Bank of Italy.

Fascism put an end to this paradigm and handed over the sceptre of economic power and the power to create money exclusively to the state through the nationalisation of the bank of Italy.

Socio-economic distances were reduced, the state went from being a passive spectator of economic processes to being an active actor and thus the entrepreneurial state was born, the true basis of the future post-war economic miracle and an indispensable bulwark of the industrial explosion of Italy, which had become the fourth world power in this sector.

Spinelli, however, saw reality with the deformed ideology of an internationalist Marxism, so much so that this false premise of his led him to an even more false conclusion, that of identifying the enemy to be overthrown in the nation states, in their culture, in their ethnic identity and above all in their sovereignty.

The ideologue of Ventotene who demonises fascism by calling it a totalitarianism thus goes on to write the apologia for another true totalitarianism, the globalist one, in which sovereignty passes from the hands of the state to that of a supranational entity that certainly does not improve the conditions of the masses, but aggravates them enormously.

Eighty-four years later, who can truthfully say that globalism is a phenomenon that has benefited the workers and the lower social classes?

Who can say, again in all sincerity, that such a design for the despoliation of national sovereignty has not instead ended up satisfying the desires and aspirations of those transnational power structures represented by Anglo-American Ashkenazi finance that have concentrated an abnormal amount of power in their hands since the nation state was outlawed?

The oligarchies hate the nation-state because it is a veritable dam that prevents the concentration of power in their hands and prevents capital from doing its thing because, guarding the economic processes, there is a legal and political entity that defends the economic and political interests of the nation.

Spinelli does the greatest favour that could be done to those who aspired and still aspire to build a global world entity by pleading the cause that the enemy of the proletariat was the fatherland, when the greatest enemy of the masses were precisely men like the Ventotene anti-fascist, who has now become a secular saint of the various pro-Europeans of this last wretched generation.

Given these premises, the European Union could not therefore come into being as an organisation inspired by Europe’s true Christian roots and as an organisation that wanted to safeguard the prerogatives of the nation states anyway, since its aim was to destroy both the former and the latter.

The European federalist movement financed by the Rockefeller foundation

After the war, Spinelli continued his war on the true Christian Europe, having founded his European Federalist Movement in 1943, to which, as declassified US State Department documents have revealed, substantial funds were channelled from the ACUE, an acronym that identifies that body called the American Committee for a United Europe.

After the Second World War, the United States became to all intents and purposes the guarantor of the world governance that men like Spinelli wanted to build, and so they took care to create committees and bodies of various kinds to channel large amounts of funds all in favour of the European integration project, which had and still has as its aim to put an end to national sovereignties and favour the birth of a European superstate, an integral part of the single world government that these powers would like to create.

Directing the ACUE were the likes of General William Donovan, director of the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA, which from the earliest moments was charged with overseeing and encouraging all those movements on the other side of the Atlantic that aimed to put an end to the sovereignty of European states.

In turn, this committee, directed by American intelligence circles, received its funds largely from the Rockefeller foundation, the highest expression of American Anglo-Zionist finance, and thus the man who claimed to want to redeem the fate of the masses through the end of states was the same man who received funds from those powers that first exploited and exploited the workers and the working class and who were obviously the first beneficiaries of the liquidation of nations.

The Rockefeller family, financiers of Spinelli’s European federalism

The woman who probably introduced the anti-fascist dissident to these powerful circles was in all probability his wife Ursula Hirschmann, a character about whom little is said in the various Spinelli hagiographies despite the fact that she played a key role in the conception of the Ventotene Manifesto.

Ursula in fact came from an important Jewish family very close to the aforementioned Rockefellers.

Ursula Hirschmann

His brother, Albert, was a member of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1941 to 1943, and then moved to the American secret service of the OSS.

Hirschmann was later also married to the other draftsman of the Ventotene Manifesto, Eugenio Colorni, and it was also she who spread the document once she returned from the Latium island.

From its very first wombs, one can clearly see how the pro-European infant was cradled and suckled by Zionist and Jewish circles that had every interest in building a false liberal-progressive, multicultural and multi-ethnic Europe in order to erase any trace of the other Europe, the real one, the Christian and Roman one.

The European federalist’s path could not fail to include initiation into Freemasonry, although it is not exactly clear in which year Spinelli joined Free Masonry, perhaps even before the Second World War, judging by his entourage, but it seems to be peacefully acknowledged that the communist politician was a Freemason.

The Ventotene parable leads straight, as we can see, into the heart of world Jewish finance in New York and into that of the Masonic lodges, a far cry from the proletariat of which Spinelli spoke.

The Freemason Spinelli has therefore done nothing more than take on his shoulders the legacy of other figures who had already begun the work before him, such as Count Kalergi, also a Freemason and also financed by the powerful Ashkenazi bankers, such as the Rothschilds and the Warburgs, who had asked him to plead the cause of the United States of Europe in order to wipe out nations, their historical and cultural heritage, and thus ensure the domination of world finance that repudiates homelands and above all their Christian heritage.

The politician once in exile thus became another of the various agents of this false Europe and his subsequent career in Brussels with Robert Schuman, another high-ranking Freemason, and the founding of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in 1965 in Rome under the patronage of Gianni Agnelli, a member of the Bilderberg group, like Spinelli, and the Club of Rome, are the direct result of a path at the service of the elite of globalism that wanted to get rid of national sovereignty at any cost.

The IAI in particular can be considered a direct emanation of the British think tank Royal Institute of International Affairs, RIIA, a direct emanation of the Round Table ruled by the Rothschild family.

The various satellites of the RIIA, such as the CFR in the United States and the IAI in Italy, have the function of executing the directives that are transmitted from London, and each of these institutes is, of course, a spokesman for the cause of defending the Euro-Atlantic order and the Anglosphere, which has deprived the nation-state of its powers.

These groups can be seen as active fifth columns in the various countries to erode national sovereignty from within and deliver it into the hands of the usual high-ranking international financiers and freemasons.

In the path of Spinelli and false Europe, therefore, one constantly encounters all the enemy elements of Christian society.

There are the Freemasons, Jewish finance, the various hetero-establishments directed by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, and beneath them a magma of political agents of subversion who strive to destroy national entities in anticipation of the god-one of whom the Freemason of Bernard speaks, a kind of tyrant very similar to the Antichrist of the Holy Scriptures.

It is for this reason that the wretched children of this philosophy are being reckoned with today.

The globalised desert of the Spinellian world

They are the champions of the so-called mestizaje, of the open society that wants to get rid of patriarchy and the natural family, so as to make room for a liquid society, similar to a commune in which everything is collective, and children no longer belong to their parents, but to the various pederasts on duty who want to abuse them, and on this we need only look at the Forteto experience so much extolled by the Ulivo and its successor the Democratic Party.

Spinelli claimed that the end of the nation-state and the advent of internationalism would open the door to all sorts of political doctrines, and that democracy would be the true political compass of such a political system, but one wonders, in all honesty, whether the masses really benefited from this.

The masses have been overwhelmed by uncontrolled immigration, thrown out of the labour market, and replaced by this cheap semi-slave labour force, to the delight of organisations like Confindustria.

The loss of monetary sovereignty has turned the state into a beggar of finance, forced to knock on the doors of private banks and PNRR scam loans, which are nothing more than contributions paid by Italy to Brussels and loaned back by the EU to Rome to build idle and useless construction sites.

Even health is no longer assured to the citizens of the decadent globalised spinellian world, because the political class is basically the door-to-door salesman for the pharmaceutical companies that have forced the masses to undergo a lethal experimental serum that is claiming thousands of victims.

The transition from the fascist nation-state to the international liberal-progressive state is even better understood in this transition.

There is no longer a ruling class that has the country’s best interests at heart, but there is one made up of a cavalcade of incurable bandits ready to plunder the nation’s innards in order to please the master who lives outside its borders.

Liberal democracy has enslaved Italy and Europe because it was certainly not made for the joy of the masses, but for that of those who guard the purse strings, open only for those ‘politicians’ who carry out the directives raining down from London and Brussels.

In the end, the democratic ‘paradise’ has led to the true dictatorship of a parasitic elite, whereas the much vilified fascism had allowed, at least until the unfortunate decision to ally itself with Nazism, a worker or a baker to feed families of seven or eight people by himself.

This is the ‘lesson’ of European federalism.

Where Ventotene has passed, no grass has grown any more, and it is time to banish once and for all the figure of Spinelli, who was nothing more than an agent of free masonry and the Rockefeller family who, in the name of a false peace, brought nothing but hunger, misery, disease and despair to the heart of European countries where there was real prosperity and growth.

The Ventotene Manifesto does not belong to the history of Italy and its Christian values.

The attempt to evoke it by the Italian political class only gives the measure of how much this despicable bunch of thieves and traitors is attached to the cudgel.

Ventotene belongs to Freemasonry and its satanic project to destroy homelands in order to establish its dictatorship.

The Europe of the future is not Spinelli’s.

It is that of St. Thomas, Dante, Julius Caesar and St. Augustine.

It is that of Italy’s Greek-Latin and Christian roots.

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