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Cesare Sacchetti

The ‘ghost’ pope for 33 days and the undeclared seat of power: coup d’état in the Vatican?


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By Cesare Sacchetti

To read the bulletins that are issued by the Santa Marta club, it almost seems as if the Gemelli polyclinic in Rome has some sort of miraculous power over its patients, even those in the most desperate conditions.

Yes, because it was recently learned from one of these communications that Pope Francis is now apparently even able to walk, when he was not even able to do so before entering the hospital, already very battered and barely able to speak.

The doctors at Gemelli must have such unique qualities that they have been able to turn back Bergoglio’s biological clock by 30 or 50 years, and indeed, if Francis is ever shown upon his discharge from the Roman hospital, one expects to see him rejuvenated, perhaps around 40, when he was still a novice priest siding with Videla’s regime.

Nothing is actually known about what is really going on on the tenth floor of the Gemelli, which has now become a place separated from the rest of the outside world, a sort of parallel dimension to which access is denied even to those who until yesterday were considered the pope’s loyalists.

In fact, Vatican and Gemelli polyclinic sources have reached this blog to inform it that not even cardinals such as the penitentiary De Donatis would be able to access the flat where Bergoglio is staying, just as, incredibly, access is denied even to one of his protégés, Cardinal Tucho Fernández, who had expressed a favourable opinion on the blessing of homosexuals.

If there was already, unfortunately, before Pope Francis a less and less hostile view of homosexuality after the advent of the inauspicious Second Vatican Council, which filled seminaries with gay priests, Bergoglio has taken the post-conciliar homosexual dimension to extremes by placing declared homosexuals and paedophiles in the various positions of power in the Roman Church.

Fernández can be considered in his own right as one of the various exponents of this so-called queer theology, yet not even a man like him, so close to Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s ear, would gain access to the pontiff’s Gemelli flat.

This is practically unheard of. Since the era of mass media began, and after the advent of cinema and television, never before has a pontiff been so absent from public screens, without being seen and probably without even being heard.

The picture that came out yesterday after 32 days of hospitalisation showing Pope Francis with his back turned rather than dispelling doubts, has deepened them even more.

Bergoglio in an alleged image from these days at the Gemelli

Some have raised doubts as to whether that photo was recent, because Bergoglio appears less swollen than he was when he was hospitalised on 14 February at the Gemelli, but why does the Santa Marta circle show this practically covered photo of the pontiff and instead does not show him in front, perhaps together with the doctors and health workers attending him?

If the photo is really recent, then it is hard to understand why the pope is not able to show himself at the window of his flat and put an end to the soap opera about his real state of health.

On the audio message of 6 March, the same doubts hover.

On that occasion, Bergoglio (?) spoke in Spanish in a voice that was extremely fatigued and for large stretches incomprehensible.

Some say that the audio is not authentic, but even if it were, there is a serious possibility that it may have been recorded not for the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square that evening for the customary prayer rosary, but for another occasion, such as that of 25 February, when the Argentinean faithful gathered at the Plaza Constitucion to pray for Francis.

This would explain Francis’ anomalous choice to speak in Spanish and not in Italian as he should have done, considering that the audience at St. Peter’s was largely Italian.

Santa Marta must probably have felt cornered.

There were too many voices calling for actual proof of the pontiff’s existence, and so out came this incomprehensible audio that was most likely recorded at least 11 days before 6 March.

If the audio were to be authentic, then it must be deduced that after 25 February, Francis was no longer able to speak, and those in charge of this phase decided to recycle, so to speak, an earlier audio.

If, on the other hand, the audio message were to be fake, then the only possible conclusion is that Bergoglio was not even able to speak on 25 February, and Santa Marta decided to package this fake and then spend it on a later occasion, that of 6 March.

The lies coming out of the Gemelli are however rightly arousing the derision of those who follow this paradoxical affair.

Videos made with artificial intelligence are starting to be circulated showing a Bergoglio reinvigorated by the miraculous treatments at Gemelli, thanks to which he has developed a bodybuilder’s physique.

That Santa Marta is lying is in fact obvious to any sensible person.

If Pope Francis were really only able to do half of what his hidden puppet masters claim, i.e. activities such as walking, reading the newspaper, answering emails, video-conferencing, telephoning, and making appointments, then the Bergoglian crisis would be over long ago.

There would be no real impediment to showing the pope gathered in prayer in his chapel for a couple of minutes, just as there would be no real impediment to holding a five-minute Angelus, if indeed things are as the men of the Vatican camarilla claim.

This is clearly not the case, and so one wonders what is really going on in that flat that not even the cardinals closest to the pope can get into.

The arrival of Bergoglio’s sister and Francis’ opaque past

Only a few weeks ago, this blog was able to reveal exclusively that Bergoglio’s sister, Maria Elena Bergoglio, had arrived in Rome, although the media, of course, performed their usual exercise of ‘denial’ on behalf of third parties, without bringing anything to back up their claim.

Maria Elena Bergoglio

The source who revealed this backstory to this blog is active at Fiumicino airport and is one of the most reliable.

According to the informant in question, the week in which Maria Elena Bergoglio arrived, other leading figures in the Church arrived at Rome airport.

Cardinals from different parts of the world have arrived, summoned for what has all the air of being a pre-conclave.

These excellent arrivals strongly suggest this hypothesis, and that of Francis’ sister is particularly indicative because never before has Bergoglio’s closest relative visited her brother.

The media never wanted to delve into this anomaly, as if they had been instructed not to look too closely into the fact that Maria Elena Bergoglio had apparently shown no interest in seeing her illustrious brother.

The consignment seems to be not to turn the spotlight on Bergoglio’s Argentine past, made up of few lights and many shadows, such as those that already in the 1990s led his Jesuit superior, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, to say clearly that the then priest Jorge Mario Bergoglio was not at all suitable to be a bishop, and perhaps not even a priest.

Bergoglio was described as a duplicitous character, extremely prone to bad language, despotic, and ready to do anything to climb to the top of the ecclesiastical career ladder.

There was not in him the qualities of true humility, patience, and temperance that should belong to a good priest, especially one who aspires to ascend the ranks of the Church.

There was a lust for power in him, and that power was given to him by those in Rome who wanted Jorge Mario Bergoglio to become archbishop of Buenos Aires first and prince of the Church later, when Karol Wojtyla created the bishop ‘from the end of the world’ a cardinal.

In Argentina, Bergoglio has never set foot since the beginning of his pontificate because he is anything but loved there.

During his time as archbishop, the families who were victims of paedophile abuse by priests in his diocese remember well, and they remember just as well how the then archbishop of Buenos Aires, rather than expressing his solidarity with the raped children, did so in favour of the rapists in cassocks, to whom the legal assistance of the archdiocese of Buenos Aires was made available.

The past should not be retraced by the media for this reason.

It is too scabrous for the image of the ‘Franciscan’ pontiff that the liberal media have stitched onto the pope made in their image and likeness, and so those horrible truths must remain possibly submerged, even if they periodically try to re-emerge strongly.

Around Porta Sant’Anna meanwhile, as soon as the various card inals from different parts of the world arrived, those pre-conclave rehearsals in the various flats of the cardinals seem to have already begun.

The cardinals are studying, scrutinising and analysing each other in an attempt to understand who belongs to a certain front and who to another, because Vatican II has unfortunately accomplished the masterpiece of exacerbating the so-called ecclesiastical ‘currents’ that divide into the various conservative and progressive fronts.

The outcome of the future election will be anything but a foregone conclusion, because Francis, in his eagerness to make a batch of cardinals by the sound of consistories, does not seem to have carefully reviewed all the profiles of the Church’s princes, among whom there are certainly men like Tucho Fernández, but there are also traditionalists critical of Vatican II who have skilfully played their cards close to the vest to avoid the Stalinist axe of Santa Marta that strikes down anyone who dares deviate from Bergoglian’s ultra-progressive path.

Ecclesiastical Freemasonry has already communicated its aspiration through the film ‘Conclave’, in which, as mentioned above, in the end after various intrigues and twists, the cardinals end up electing a trans pontiff, a woman who passes herself off as a man, and such a cardinal really exists, it is not at all a literary and cinematic fantasy, as revealed on this blog.

The trans cardinal in Conclave

The trans cardinal was created by Bergoglio himself, he (she) also comes from Latin America and, needless to say, he too is an enthusiast of queer theology.

The film served only to announce to the general public what the plans are of the enemies of the Church who have infiltrated this institution, but evidently the plans for them are anything but downhill.

If one continues not to really show Bergoglio, and if one continues to lie shamelessly about his health condition, it is evident that whoever is in control of this situation today, is by no means certain to be able to safely steer the outcome of the conclave, which as previously mentioned, will be anything but a foregone conclusion.

Who is in charge in the Vatican?

Then one legitimately wonders who it is that has now taken control of the Church and who it is that is barring access even to Bergoglio’s loyalists.

Pope Francis has always been a pontiff close to Jewish and Masonic circles, and he has never made a mystery of it, so much so that he has earned public praise from the Rotary paramasonry, of which he is a member, and that he has received several times in the Vatican the various exponents of the World Jewish Congress who seem to be his real referents.

At Santa Marta, someone has taken control, and the power network around Francis suggests that it was these circles that decided to keep the pope’s health condition in absolute secrecy and not to let him see him for 32 consecutive days, proving that what is written in those medical bulletins is a lie to try to gain time.

We are therefore evidently faced with either a sede vacante or a sede impedita, both of which are undeclared, and the code of canon law is very precise about who should manage the Holy See in such cases.

The canons on the sede vacante and the sede impedita state that in such cases it is the auxiliary bishop or the vicar general who temporarily leads the Church, but here we are faced with an almost unprecedented situation, because neither has been publicly announced.

In the past, when the pontiff was in a serious state of health, he was assisted by his cardinals, but never before has this unbearable cloak of silence descended behind which opaque characters are taking advantage either to make invalid appointments of bishops, or to set up new obols to ask for money, given the scarcity of donations that have arrived in the Vatican coffers since the beginning of Bergoglian pontificate.

It is a sort of secret Vatican coup d’état on which the media, as is their wont, have spread their disinformative cloak through the slavish repetition of those ridiculous ‘medical’ bulletins full of contradictions and where one day the pontiff is dying and the next he is working as if nothing had happened.

One wonders how long the Vatican coup plotters plan to go on like this.

They certainly won’t be able to stay locked up in the Gemelli flat for six months.

The truth, whatever it is, will have to come out sooner or later, just as the Church is destined to return to its rightful owner, its founder Jesus Christ.

The vision witnessed by Leo XIII seems as relevant today as ever.

The pontiff in 1884 saw that the Church would fall into the hands of Satan for 100 years, who would transform it from a fortress of the faith into a megaphone of the heresies that have unfortunately been seen in recent decades.

One would think that the intruder would be reluctant to leave a house that does not belong to him, but eviction, unfortunately for him, will be inevitable.

If ecclesiastical freemasonry and B’nai B’rith circles really think they can continue to control this divine institution for much longer, then they are sadly mistaken.

There is no way to destroy the Church. It was created to exist from the beginning to the end of time.

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